Our Maple Syrup Operation

Click here to see our listing of maple products available.

2023 was our first year making maple syrup in the new building that Ben designed and built. The Bryant family has been making maple syrup for many generations but have not done so for a few years.

Making maple syrup is a fun late winter/early spring activity that the whole family can be a part of.

First we drilled small holes into the maple trees and inserted a tap that directs the sap into our bags/buckets. When the days are above freezing and the nights below the sap runs and we go collect it (we also collect bones and sticks! :) )

Once we get all the sap collected, we haul it back to the sugar shack to be boiled down into maple syrup! With the sugar content we were getting, it takes about 50 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of maple syrup!

Our evaporated is wood fired. We had to feed it wood every 6-8 minutes for many many hours! We boiled about 20-25 gallons of sap in an hour.

Check out the video made by Michigan Farm Bureau about our maple syrup operation!

We ended our season a little earlier than we had hoped when we got a leak in our syrup pan. But we were still able to make more maple syrup than we had hoped for! I was sad to see the season end. I really enjoyed taking the kids down to the woods to collect sap. Its not always easy dragging along 3 small kids for projects like this but I wouldn’t have it any other way!

We do have some pure maple syrup bottled up and ready to sell! This page has a listing of what we currently have available for pick up.