Our Family
We are Ben and Jessica Bryant. We have 2 daughters, Ally and Julia and a son, Jackson. Ben and I met at the Isabella County Fair and started dating when Ben started school at Michigan State, I was already there. We were married in 2014. Since that time our business has changed and evolved especially when adding our beautiful children.
We call on our families’ to help often on our busiest days. A majority of our close family help out on our mum planting days. You will also see some of our family on busy days during open hours helping with customers or helping to entertain the little ones so I can be more available. We would not be able to do what we do without their support.
In 2023, we brought back a favorite Bryant family late winter activity, making maple syrup! Several generations of Bryant’s have enjoyed making maple syrup but haven’t much in the last few years. Ben built a super cute sugar shack for us to make syrup in. We are also excited to make some different products with our pure maple syrup! Again, several of our family members have played large rolls in making this possible!