Our Farm

Ever since Ben was a young boy he spent all of his time outside tinkering and building things (his family called it Bengineering). As he got older he helped where ever he could.

In 2018, Ben started farming full time with his father (Ben’s grandpa is “retired” but still spends a lot of time helping with the field work). They have acquired a lot of land over the years but Ben is the 5th generation to farm some of the ground. They grow mostly corn and soy beans, and a little wheat. In addition to the crops, they have a feedlot where they raise Holstein and beef steers. The Holstein calves are purchased from a dairy farm that has been good friends of the family for a long time. I grew up on a dairy farm and enjoy helping out with the calves. The kids really enjoy helping with calf chores as well. The beef calves are all born on the farm as we have a small herd of beef cows. The beef calves are born in the spring and stay with the cows until the fall when they are weaned and separated off.

Fall and spring are the busiest times on the farm. It is when the guys work long hours to get the fields prepped and planted in the spring and harvested in the fall. During these times the kids and I take lunch to the field to feed the guys at the edge of the field. Some days it is the only time our kids get to see their dad. The girls love deciding what cookies we should make each day to take to their daddy, papa and great grandpa. We also make sure all the cattle are taken care of when the guys are extra busy. It is truly a family effort. While the men are in the field, the women make sure they are fed, run for parts, help move them from field to field and just keep everything moving smoothly at home.

 At our house we have goats and chickens. The kids absolutely love helping to care for the animals. The best time is in the spring when the baby goats are born. We have mostly pure bred Myotonic (fainting) goats. We will have some available in the summer after they are weaned.

Farming is in our blood and is the absolutely best way to raise a family. It can be very stressful at times but it is a great way to teach some of the best values. Our kids are growing up knowing how to be responsible and how to take care of others. We feel so blessed to live this life and share our journey with you!